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SPEAK UP ! 雙語會話

B: OK, this Web site agrees that chop suey was not invented in China, but created by Chinese American cooks feeding Chinese immigrants working on the transcontinental railroad in the 19th century. A: And look here, where it quotes a Cantonese writer traveling in the US in 1903. He says that the dish was served in Chinese restaurants in America, but that local Chinese people wouldn’t touch it with a bargepole. B: So it was a locally invented dish, purporting to be Chinese food, catering to local American tastes, but quite distinct from the food available in China. B: OK。這個網站認同的說法是:雜碎這道菜不是在中國發明的,而是十九世紀美國的中國廚師發明的,他們要煮給來美國建造橫貫大陸鐵路的華工吃。 A: 然後你看這邊,它引用了一九○三年到美國旅行的一個廣東作家寫的。他說美國的中餐館有這道菜,可是當地的中國人壓根兒是碰都不會去碰的。 B: 所以這是美國當地發明的,迎合當地美國人的胃口,號稱是中國菜,可是跟中國的食物是很不同的。 (Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱譯) English 英文: Chinese 中文:

本文出自: http://www.taipeitimes.com/
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