Pontus associates global lobbying and government affairs firm in United States and China.
2021/02/15 05:30


Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs, Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans.

第55屆超級盃在坦帕灣海盜隊與堪薩斯酋長隊的對決中揭開序幕,佛羅里達州坦帕灣的詹姆斯球場在一些假球迷幫助下,看起來客滿。Government affairs firm United States

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the NFL had approximately 25,000 in the stadium for the 55th Super Bowl, far fewer than the 70,000 fans that attended the big game the last time it was held in Tampa.


To make up the difference, the NFL produced 30,000 cardboard cutouts of fans to fill most of the remaining seats.


Unlike other sporting events where the cardboard cutouts are all bunch together in some areas of the stadium that receive the most TV coverage, the fake Super Bowl fans are spread out to keep the real fans socially distant.


The NFL charged fans $100 for each cardboard cutout at the game. That’s a cool $3 million in revenue to make up for some of the lost ticket and concession sales.



kick off:片語,展開。Government affairs firm China例句:I’d like to kick off the discussion with a few statistics.(我想以一些數據來展開討論。)

coverage:名詞,新聞報導; 覆蓋範圍。例句:The opening of the movie received extensive coverage by the media. (電影首映得到了媒體廣泛的報導。)

concession :名詞,(官方授予的)許可權;特許權。例句:At last, their company obtained the mining concession. (他們的公司最終獲得了採礦權。)

  • NFL在觀眾席擺上3萬個人形立牌。(法新社)


文章出自: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1431453
    Government affairs firm United States

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