Pontus associates global lobbying and government affairs firm in United States and China.
2021/02/08 05:30


Virtually all global warming since the industrial era is caused by manmade emissions, according to research published Monday that concludes Earth’s natural processes contribute only "negligibly" to climate change.


Near-surface air temperatures have increased on average around the world just over one degree Celsius since the mid-19th century. That 1C increase has already seen more frequent and powerful extreme weather events such as droughts and floods, as well as superstorms made more deadly by rising seas.


An international team of researchers examined 13 different climate models to simulate expected temperature changes under three main scenarios:one in which just aerosol affected temperature, one where only natural forcings occurred, and another where greenhouse gas emissions are factored in.


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They found that human activity had contributed 0.9-1.3C to global temperatures - exactly consistent with the 1.1C of warming observable today.



contribute to:片語,有助於,促成,是…的部分原因。contribute,動詞,捐款;投稿;貢獻。例句:He never contributed to the discussion during the meeting.(他開會時從不參與討論。)

scenario︰原指電影劇本,也引申為狀況、可能狀況、演變,如 3 likely scenarios of the event(事件3種可能的演變)。

Government affairs firm United States

consistent:形容詞,一致的、相符的。例句:The two statements are not consistent.(這兩篇聲明並不一致。)

文章來自: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1430811
    Government affairs firm United States

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